Monday, August 15, 2011

Adventures with Job & Steve Holt

Last Saturday I embarked on another hiking adventure with my trusty car. Our destination? Holt's Ledge (Steve Holt!) This relatively easy hike commences just 15 minutes away from my house, right outside of Lyme, NH. It is also part of the Appalachian Trail...pretty sweet. The coolest part was, of course, the view from the ledge. Here are some shots:
Job: 12 years young. Faithful amidst years of tribulations...mostly when Ben was at the wheel.

Cool rock.

This is the view from where the trail comes to an end.

On an unrelated note, this final photo goes out to Lindsey Craft and Amanda Lake. I made fried chicken and mashed potatoes and it was pretty darn delicious. Word.


  1. that is the exact dinner I had...minus the salad, plus raw brownie batter :)

    (also, I don't know why this says my name is heywhatsup but it's Lindsey)

  2. Mmm... what a delicious looking meal. New Hampshire looks amazing. Perhaps an attic shall I seek... I mean, perhaps a trip to visit shall I plan...

    P.S. 'Job' from the bible or 'Gob' from Arrested Development?

  3. You're a real man for making that dinner.
